Monday 9 December 2013

2014 Year – Year of the Blue Wood Horse

The new year of horse will bring a lot of emotions, events and changes in our life. Everyone will experience growth in this year, some – financial, professional, some – spiritual.

Speaking about changes, some will change their workplace, job, others their home town or even country. There also will be personal changes, some will marry or give birth in this year.

Year of the blue horse will bring luck for hardworking and active people, for them who are ready to devote their time and power to reach their aim, goal. They will be rewarded for their efforts.

It will be also a year, when everyone should stick to their plans, there will be a lot of troubles, obstacles and people on the way, trying to stop you or lead astray.

The year of the horse will be good for all type of traveling, excursions and adventures. You’ll be given opportunities to visit places you always wanted, so don’t ignore or waste them.

In 2014 year you’ll be forced to solve every problem that exists in your relationship or family, it will be your
price for peace. If you’re lonely, you may find someone special or even your other half in summer.
All new relationships created in the year of blue horse will be strong and lasting.

Health in the next year won’t disappoint the most, still everyone should watch over their immunity better. Take more vitamins, don’t overwork and lose yourself to stress, of course, everyone should find time to rest and relax.

On the other side, year of the blue horse will be not stable, many emotions will disturb plans. Some people will search in 2014 year only material goods, but others only passions and games.

P.S. Wanted to write about the next year in a few sentences. It’s translated from Latvian language, from my site – Sorry, if my language is not very professional and I’ve made some mistakes, still I tried my best. ;)

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